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Consider Coach Certification
Serious about success? 

Get certified by the MentorCoach training program and the International Coach Federation. These credentials offer you desirable professional credibility and open more opportunities.  On this journey you will need a mentor coach.  Read on.

Hone Your Skills with Mentor Coaching 
Contact me for any of these:

  • Mentor coaching for CMC certification exam at MentorCoach

  • Mentoring hours for renewal of ICF ACC credential

  • Honing your positive psychology coaching skills 

While there are no guarantees, to date 100% of my clients passed their exams the first time.  All developed their coaching competencies as well as their confidence--and some have become excellent coach trainers.


Contact me to discuss how we might work together.



It’s high time you claimed your personal and professional assets!

Boost your confidence, identify your niche, and build your business with these two free exercises and popular workbook.

Identify Your Assets in Your “Positive Coaching Base”

Your coaching journey begins with discovery.  Uncover your unique constellation of qualities, expertise, and resources that can serve as your solid coaching base.  This reflective exercise, based on the Appreciative Inquiry concept of “the positive core,” can guide you as you contemplate niches and branding.  Know thyself!


Download Your Positive Coaching Base.

What’s in a Niche?  How Have You Already Helped Others?

Finding your niche doesn’t have to be frustrating or scary.  Analyze where you already have credibility and accessibility to identify your niche. Then focus your efforts on learning about your niche and how to serve it well.  Remember, start somewhere knowing that you can always change your mind!


Download the niche exploration activity here.

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Business Meeting at a Cafe

Why flounder as a coach when you can flourish?

Set yourself up for success with these great resources.

Best Books for Coaches (IMHO)  

My personal annotated list of top-notch resources for professional coaches. Emphasis on evidence-based strategies from research and practice in positive psychology, mindfulness, motivation, and communication. Download by clicking here:  BestBooksforCoaches-GaylesList.


Valuable Free Handouts 

©2022 by Essence Coaching

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